I would like to welcome everyone to this website and blog, throughout this election season I will be posting blogs. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jonathan Hernandez I am running for City Council in the City of Antioch and would greatly appreciate your support. I am not a politician, I am a Bail Agent, Fugitive Recovery Agent, and Entrepeneur by profession. As you all know our city is plaqued with a huge amount of crime, a huge and continously growing deficit of 1.5 million dollars currently, and children who are getting left behind in school and don't deserve too. My son has Aspergers Syndrome ( a high functioning Autism Disorder ) and we have been fighting with his school for over 2 years trying to get him the help he needs, because he is on of those kids that is falling through the cracks and getting left behind, so we need to work with the School Board and make sure this doesn't happen to kids, they are our future! 
I am committed to making this city a safe place as there has been times when I haven't even felt safe traveling around the city, and I want to make sure that all residents ALWAYS feel safe! That is the utmost importance to me! Please join me in support for City Council in Antioch by going and becoming my friend on Facebook, look for Jonathan Hernandez. If you would like t do more to show your support please go to the Donate Page and make a contribution of any size, and if you can volunteer your time we need alot of volunteers, so just contact us on the Contact Us Form and we will be in contact with about volunteering. There's one more way you can help, tell at least 10 friends to like the Facebook Page and check out the website! Thanks for your support and remember to get out and vote in November!

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    My name is Jonathan Hernandez, I am running for City Council, I am running because this city is plaqued with crime, mismanagement of City of Antioch funds leading us to a 2.5 million dollar deficit and our children who are getting left behind and feel unsafe in school. This all needs to end, we must act now! We must act together! 


    May 2012



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